CASTAGNINI Viticoltore dei Colli Apuani

17/10/2021 0 Comments

In the evocative setting of the Candia hills, between the white marble quarries and the sea, Roberto Castagnini, always looking for superior quality and constant evolution, present on the market fine wines that have distinguished themselves on the most renowned guides, obtaining awards internationally. Previous Next Montecarlo Geography History Montecarlo Candia dei Colli Apuani is …


17/10/2021 0 Comments

Tenuta Adamo was established in 2020 from a project focused on investing in the centuries-old tradition of viticulture and the skilled young people that every day with passion and enthusiasm dedicate themselves to the creative process behind all our products. Previous Next Lucca hills Geography History Lucca hills The territory of Lucca has cooler climatic …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

The Pieve di Santo Stefano farm is located at the foot of the beautiful Romanesque church of Santo Stefano (13th century), on the hills overlooking the city of Lucca, which is about 7 km away. The property covers an area of ​​about 60 hectares of which twelve are dedicated to vineyards. Already the Romans and …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

Inglese In the north-west of Tuscany, in a land wedged between the Apuan Alps and the Tirreno Sea, the wines of the Fattoria Sardi are born, obtained from certified organic grapes. The company includes woods, arable fields, olive groves and 18 hectares of specialized vineyards. Matteo and Mina take care of their company with passion, …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

Valle del Soleis a small but established reality of the Lucca hills. The winery is located in the “Cappella” on the road that leads from Lucca to Monte Magno and then Viareggio. Cappella is a very particular micro-zone for the cultivation of vines and the production of wine, characterized by a considerable temperature range and …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

Who is Mr. Liquor? “An uncle, a friend. A romantic, a slacker, one who enjoys life and even in the evening, in restaurants and bars. During the day you will find him hunting for secret ingredients, and in the evening looking for the most sought after liquor on the premises. Don’t even look for it …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

On the splendid hills of Lucca, there is an elegant eighteenth-century villa with adjoining farmhouses and surrounded by 20 hectares of vineyards that produce DOC wine, olive groves and woods. This is the estate of Az Agr La Fabbrica di San Martino. With pride it preserves its history and with love and passion it treasures …


09/09/2021 0 Comments

In the evocative setting of Montecarlo (Lucca), proud of its long history that since 1386 binds it to the viticulture of this land, the Carmignani Farm produces its wines and oil with the right combination of scrupulous tradition and modern technologies. The undisputed protagonists, the ancient vines and the olive trees, give life to wonderful …